Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving is upon us again. While I don't exactly post on a regular schedule, I thought I would take some time to post things for which I am thankful.

1 - First and foremost is my God. Without Jesus none of us would be here and existence would be a moot exercise in futility.

2 - My Family. They put up with my crap and I deal out a lot of crap. They help me keep my sanity in this insane world.

3 - Employment. Without my job I would be unable to support my family and without them I would probably be sequestered in an insane asylum.

4 - My gaming group. This quartet of people give an avenue of escape for my imagination and give me a break from my lovable hellion children.

5 - Lasik Surgery. Fixing my eyes is one of the best steps (so far) that I have taken to better my world. Life without glasses or contacts is a strange and wonderful place.

6 - Transportation. The modern world is crazy enough without have to walk everywhere. Our van may not be the newest model, but it gets my family from A to B with reasonable gas mileage.

7 - The Internet. The Internet provides so much for my family, such as communications, entertainment, and education. Without the Internet, I would have never got into college and be almost completed with a Masters in IT.

8 - Hollywood. Not the physical environment. I actually think most of southern California is a cesspool of weirdos, but some of the movies that come from that institution are a source of joy for me and my family.

9 - Star Trek. The original series. This was the first TV show that really set my imagination free.

10 - The ability to read. Beyond gaming, movies with my family, and the Internet, reading helps me to escape the pressures of living and collect myself to face the next onslaught that life will send against me and my family.

I am grateful for life. Thanksgiving is an easy escape for what I should be declaring everyday of my life. Thus I scream into the void a very heartfelt ...

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